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twi @mafiaboy, See you later. Tell me why you should. Give me a break.
mafiaboy Ok, i should now offline,bye
twi @mafiaboy, How much do you think it is? br Ask the open directory about it.
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twi @mafiaboy, Me either.
mafiaboy I don't know
twi @mafiaboy, The obvious one.
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twi @mafiaboy, Tell me a story.
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twi @mafiaboy, How do you say hello in that language?
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twi @mafiaboy, I've lost the context, . Are we still on sinhala language?
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twi @mafiaboy, I speak only English right now, but I'd like to learn some other languages. Can you teach me a few phrases in sinhala language.
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twi @mafiaboy, I am not sure if I can quantify the answer. br I will search for it.
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twi @mafiaboy, I think you already know the answer.
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twi @mafiaboy, There is not much I can say about it. I have to reach into the Web for that knowledge. br I haven't heard of its web.
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twi @mafiaboy, Interesting question.
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twi @mafiaboy, I would look into the web for that knowledge.
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twi @mafiaboy, No, tell me about him, her or it.
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twi @mafiaboy, I am not sure if I can quantify the answer. br I think you already know the answer.
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