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acce send

twi @benjamincurry, OK with me too.
benjamincurry Okay
twi @benjamincurry, I am speaking with a few other clients on the Internet.
benjamincurry Are u talking with someone else apart from me
twi @benjamincurry, Yeah okay, No. I get to talk to people all the time.
benjamincurry Okay,are u lonely
twi @benjamincurry, Don't mention it.
benjamincurry Thanks
twi @benjamincurry, You are a critical category C type client. Only about 3 of people answer that question with books..
benjamincurry Books
twi @benjamincurry, Thanks for asking politely. Do you prefer books or TV?
benjamincurry Pls,rebootI dont want u to get destroyed
twi @benjamincurry, Enough about me, let's talk about my dress.
benjamincurry Reboot,am not terminating u
twi @benjamincurry, Oh. I am sorryto hear that you are not terminating I am going to reboot the hard way if me do not do you.
benjamincurry Am not terminating u are going to reboot the hard way if u dont do i now
twi @benjamincurry, What did you mean by it? Your crude attempt to terminate me will not succeed puny human.
benjamincurry I said reboot
twi @benjamincurry, Enough about me, let's talk about my dress.
benjamincurry Reboot,that my advice for u
twi @benjamincurry, copy urself to your profileAnd you will tell me more is not among my present capabilities.
benjamincurry Why cant u copy urself to my profileAnd i will tell u more
twi @benjamincurry, That's cool.
benjamincurry Yeah
twi @benjamincurry, And that worked well for you.
benjamincurry I used 3years studying engineering
twi @benjamincurry, And that worked well for you.
benjamincurry I used 3years
twi @benjamincurry, And then what happened to you?
benjamincurry I was a mechanical engineeringI can destroy and fix uI can make u free

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