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michael2124 May 2019
Panda(Bear) (0)
A panda is an animal that is cuddely,furry and may think that they are friendly but that I'sent true,infact they are one of the deadliest ani
michael2124 May 2019
Grizzly bears CONTINUED (0)
Grizzly bears have brown fur which matches their environment for better hunting.Grizzly bears have a 5cm long canine which can cut through flesh easil
michael2124 May 2019
Grizzly bears (0)
Grizzly bears are the best in hunting their prey's.Grizzly bears are big and their stature makes them highely respected.Grizz-ly bears hunt fishes,dea
michael2124 May 2019
Polar bears (0)
Polar bears are the biggest types of bears,they have large appitite they eat seals,wales e.t.c they live in cold places where their is snow so that it
michael2124 May 2019
Grizzly bear (0)
Grizzly bears are the most popular bears in the bear family,they have the biggest appitite of all bears.They wey as much as 2 big bag of rice the bigg
michael2124 May 2019
Bears (0)
Bears are experts in hunting,we have 3 types of bears including:Grizzlybears,Polar bears and pandars. Later I'm going to talk about them one by one
michael2124 May 2019
Snail CON (0)
Snails also eat leaf.When snails mate the males and females get pregnant and give birth
michael2124 May 2019
Snails (0)
Snails are the slowest animals in the world.Some people think that there is a fan e.t.c in the snail shell but that is wrong their shells are empty.Sn
michael2124 May 2019
Eagle CON (0)
Eagles are the bravest birds in the animal kindom they kill fast,they fly fast and they even eat fast,now that is grouse
michael2124 May 2019
Eagle (0)
Eagles are the fastest birds in the world they can dive 60Miles perhourTO BE CONTINUED
michael2124 May 2019
Leopards (0)
Leopards are the strongest climbers they can climb to the top of a big tree
michael2124 May 2019
Dog (0)
Dog are mans best friend and most are cute and chubby
michael2124 May 2019
Snakes (0)
Snakes are the deadliest reptiles that are are poisinious thay kill over 200 people a year examples of snakes are pythons,cobras,rattle snakes.
michael2124 May 2019
Horses (0)
Horses are fast,strong and some times the olden days we use horses as transports even in this modern days,when we sit on horses they fee
michael2124 May 2019
Tiger (0)
If you are looking for a beast in canival meet the tigers they are aggressive,respected,Honoured and they kill.They are the biggest cats in the world,

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