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oluwatomisin 6 hours 26 minutes
Single newbies (2)
Make una welcome me
kwameboga 7 hours 42 minutes
Am new here (2)
Am new here u guys should welcome me only a bad people cannot welcome me welcome me pls
kwameboga 8 hours 12 minutes
Newcomer (1)
Am new here u guys should welcome me
cedis 8 hours 25 minutes
Airtime (0)
Pls dave send the airtime again so i can load it
dave22 8 hours 28 minutes
Airtime [9]
Mtn 5528528070558
dave22 8 hours 47 minutes
Riddles (3)
If you get this question you will be rewarded am the begining of everything the begining of everywhere the end of where and the end of shoe what i am
dave22 9 hours 35 minutes
Topic (0)
Guys what is today topic jokes riddles airtime give away app for real money quiz?.com
dave22 10 hours 31 minutes
Airtime mtn (2)
Ghana mtn or nigeria
dave22 12 hours 22 minutes
Airtime giveaway time (4)
Which airtime should i drop mtnairteletisaletglo?
dave22 20 hours
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Pls jjboss add your friends thank u you all are welcome

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