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* Badteens > Forum

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samuel2025 2 days
Hey teens (0)
If your house is on fire which two things will you save and live one 1.Your 4billion 2.your mom 3.your babe
samuel2025 2 days
Hey (0)
If your house is on fire which two things will you save and live one 1.Your 4billion 2.your mom 3.your babe
samuel2025 2 days
Rate your boyfriends (0)
Hey girls, rate your boyfriends 1.stingy 2.handsome 3.romantic 4.kind 5.wicked Choose two
samuel2025 2 days
A game for dirty minds (0)
You can choosd from number 1-25 and any number you choose i will ask you a question that is with that number
samuel2025 4 days
Bad boys (0)
Hey, boys what do you think when a girl says you should meet her in the school's backyard girl2.gif
samuel2025 4 days
Bad girls (0)
Hey, girl what will do to a boy for touching your breast

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* Badteens