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tatimars 7 days
Quizy tease (0)
What gets wetter the more it dries? The answer is ....??!! A TOWEL.
tatimars 7 days
Quizy quiz (0)
What is always coming but never arrives? The answer is ...»TOMORROW
tatimars 7 days
How cool! (0)
What 4-digit number can be multiplied by 4 and gives the same result in reverse? The number is 2178 which becomes 8712 after multiplication.
tatimars 8 days
Clever test (0)
I'm always in u, sometimes on u but if i surround u, i can kill u. What am i? The answer ...........WATER
tatimars 8 days
Clever tease (0)
Give me food and i will live. Give me water and i will die. What am i? The answer....»FIRE
tatimars 8 days
Math teaser (0)
A farmer has 24 cows. All but seven of them ran away. How many does he have left? The answer......»seven (7)
tatimars 8 days
Math tease (0)
Using only addition, add eight 8s to get 1000? First subscribe for more. Thanks but the answer is ........, 888+88+8+8+8=1000. Isn't that brilliant. T
tatimars 8 days
Brain teaser (0)
What has a lot of teeth but doesn't bite? The answer is ....,A COMB.
tatimars 9 days
Brain tease (1)
What 2 things cant u have on breakfast? The answer ........ LUNCH AND DINNER
tatimars 9 days
Brain teaser (0)
What kind of tree can u hold in ur hands? The answer is.........PALM TREE.

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