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tianavibez 5 days
Funny and Fascinating fact about using p (0)
Using a public toilet without lock is extreme sports: whenever u hear footsteps,u must either sing,clear ur throat,or use ur leg 2 wedge d door shut s
tianavibez 10 days
Questions 4 women (0)
Man-made car,man-made plane,and man-made ship,what has dis other gender made???
tianavibez 12 days
Who stole d pot of soup?? (0)
Our neigbour's pot of soup went missing,and they suspect can i steal soup that is even over salty.
tianavibez 19 days
What is d most amazing feeling in one's (0)
People say dat D most amazing feeling is s*x,but no it is not...comment if u know
tianavibez 20 days
Is it God's plan 4 israel 2 always b at (0)
Israel is always at war.i don't understand.cuz in d bible we have many cases of israel fighting war.nd now israel is still fighting war.
tianavibez 20 days
Am i right in what i did (0)
I was goin on d road 2 church with my mum last week sunday.and i saw a man lookin at my mum i used my bible 2 block her as s so d man will nt s

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