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samuelkiyingi 18 hours
Premier league (0)
I think its time to pray 4r MAN U.Arsenal,the ganners is doing quite well,i think the cup wil be for arsenal to take
samuelkiyingi 1 day 16 hours
Challenge day 2 (0)
5 boyz are given treats,1 of them is given 5 pancakes while the other 4 boyz are given 5 sauceages;USE COMMON KNOWLEDGE,DISTRIBUTE THE ENDIBLES SO THA
samuelkiyingi 2 days
Challenge (0)
Each weekend,a challenge will be put forth to prove the true's question is,i move to the north,east,south and west yet i cant find what i'
samuelkiyingi 2 days
Reality (0)
I asked my teacher,if a girl says that that boy was touching my sensitivd parts,and the boy says,no,she was the one aiming at my sensitives,who would
samuelkiyingi 2 days
Love (0)
In my opinion,love is a lovely aroma,but depends on one persueing it
samuelkiyingi 3 days
Debt (0)
I don't know why i'm lazy when it comes to paying my debt

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