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vicboss 11 hours 54 minutes
MTN bonus (0)
read.gif MTN is giving free GLO recharge card to all ETISALAT customers using AIRTEL lines laugh3.gif
vicboss 16 hours
Back in the DAYS [10]
back in the day when ur friends get angry with u the would be like : if i slap u, u would fly to america haha2.gif abeg come and slap me i want to go th
vicboss 1 day 5 hours
Answer this riddle [9]
read.gif Answer This Riddle _What goes in dry _and comes out wet laugh3.gif thinking2.gif
vicboss 1 day 5 hours
Confused manager (7)
I was walking on the road today and i saw a sign board written '' NOTICE!! NOTICE!! A MALE SALESGIRL NEEDED'' can u explain this? thinking2.gif online.gif
vicboss 3 days
Emoticons Battle challenge [705]
Hey lets play some battle games blood.gif use the best emoticon to kill shot.gif angry2.gif and win an award
vicboss 8 days
Bible joke [10]
reading.gif? What would happen if adam and eve did not disobey GOD haha2.gif ? are we going to be NAKED laugh2.gif
letschat 10 days
Titan war online (1)
comediangodgift 10 days
Your Papa Dey Pursue Thief But Na Him De Front haha2.gif. Yab Back If U Are Strong
lay 10 days
Yab [374]
Una papa dey for inside grave dey cast and bind evil spirit KG 1 girl pass en pr*ck stand. if una get mind yab me back!!
stellajoseph 13 days
Hustle oo (5)
If u see hustle,hustle oo,i want money,but na you dey sleep every night how you want to be billonarian
younglee 14 days
Grow (4)
Subscribe to my channel and i wii do same to yours. Lets go
younglee 14 days
Suretips (3)
If you are in need of sure betting tips,kindly inbox me
vicboss 15 days
THANKS for the 3 star POPULARITY I couldn't have GOTTEN it without you GUYS I really appreciate it congrats.gif dance.gif
vicboss 15 days
Gif video download (0)
GUESS WHAT u can download video on vicmusic channel and it really works congrats.gif just go to the folder named GIF VIDEO and follow the update Mafia.gif
vicboss 17 days
A costly mistake [19]
My bro mistakenly used 650,000 thousand naira to buy data while trying to make a transfer and now he is dead

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