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damiancee 27 days
Believe for success (0)
Ever felt life is hard cause your dreams aint coming true?No it aint hard if you keep on beliving BELIEVE FOR SUCCESS DONT LOSE HOPE
kiacee August 2024
A world without music? (4)
Have you ever asked yourself,how the world would look like without music?
kiacee August 2024
Today's positive quote (0)
My Guidian told me something today and i thought it would be good sharing with you guys,,,, and this is what i was told,,, Do todays duty,fight
kiacee August 2024
Alone feeling (7)
Have you ever felt your alone 'cause no one understands you?
kiacee August 2024
Sad? (2)
Why be sad or depressed while you have a positive cee channel to share your problems with

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