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anniejay 7 days
500ways to suceed. 1-Hard work the rest is 419
anniejay 16 days
Riddle (0)
I am something, i am green, my wife is red and my children are brown. What am i?
anniejay 26 days
Dating a slim girl is good until you slap her b*tt and it will sound like screenshot sprraaa
anniejay 26 days
Riddle (0)
I am something, i a name of a person, i am found in the body and found in the soup. What am i?
anniejay 27 days
Riddles (1)
I am something, i have so many holes in me but i can still hold water. What am i?
anniejay 27 days
My dear, 7days with money makes one WEEK, but 7day without money makes one WEAK. Wisdom will not kill me

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