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Channel Founder: pookie
Channel Type: Public Subscribe
Subscribers: 3
Category: Fun, Entertaintment & Media > Jokes

Forum (10)
pookie 2 days
Joke of the day (0)
A woman sent her housemaid to market and buy this°(RICE=200,MEAT=500,BEANS=300,TOTAL1,000)to my suprise the girl never return until the woman go find
pookie 2 days
Idea (0)
Dont take my kindness for weakness.the beast in me is sleeping not dead_BE FAST DO NOT LET THE WORLD MAKE YOU HARD,DO NOT LET PAIN MAKE U HATE,DO NOT
pookie 3 days
Life% (0)
Life is a game play it,mirror look at urself in it,decision make it,school learn lesson,is a war fight it,is a movie watch it and play it.
pookie 3 days
Real point (0)
If a guy think of giving me breakfast i swear he dey deceive himself cos i never fall for someone so easily it is very difficult 4me to fell in love j
pookie 3 days
My self (0)
I am myself i am the best my generation has never seen am a degend i'm a mother fker champion my life is melody u only know what i went to know about