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Star BadGuysForever

Welcome to BGF the baddest of all channels for mature minds only the F word is allowed

Channel Founder: icecute
Channel Type: Public Subscribe
Subscribers: 12
Category: People & Chat > Alternative

Forum (5)
bettybae 1 day 3 hours
S3x th*r*pist needed (8)
I need a s*x ther*pist at once
williamz 2 days
Ther*pist (5)
If u need a s*x ther*pist? comment
bettybae 3 days
B*d stuff (2)
If a girl was to come to guy's house and she begins to seduce him should he succumb or tell her to stop
icecute 5 days
Motherfkers (0)
You know most people are motherf*ckers they pretend to be good but yet they are baddest of us all
icecute 5 days
Welcome to BGF (2)
BGF is a channel where the badass ones can relax and feel at home, welcome

Polls (1)