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Star Fun-Forum
Come, join, subscribe and your life will never remain the same..

This group is for all genders weather goat self (laugh) Note: no nude picture or stuff accepted or else i will chase you with my squad (angrymob)... Feel free to post jokes, etc

Channel Founder: theemotionalbeing
Channel Type: Public Subscribe
Subscribers: 43
Category: Fun, Entertaintment & Media > General

Forum (24)
t.wyce 4 minutes
Only for the smart (1)
Make a sentence with one letter at the front except for 'a' what was a world without women wahala. who can go more than this
theemotionalbeing 15 minutes
Arrange the words [152]
Let have fun now Arrange the words below and the winner will have a point of 20... Hey dont spoil the fun(reading) comment ready lets go from 1
ebubechi 1 hour 7 minutes
Lie compition [210]
Na me be first person wey first iron 7clothes as nepa people flash light, Hey (boss) dont spoil the fun
t.wyce 1 hour 8 minutes
What you cannot do without for a day (2)
I can't do without food for a day (brr) common dont spoil the fun what can you not do without for a day
t.wyce 1 hour 27 minutes
Appreciation [13]
when i first join this channel we were just two me and one the emotiônal being thatz making emotioñal i guess but now we are now 30 (wow) if you lové

Polls (3)