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Star Loveexperience
Where you meet people with your exact condition

If you need advice,inspiration,love,pay back plan etc This is a place where all your sorrows leave you

Channel Founder: scarrylove
Channel Type: Public Subscribe
Subscribers: 34
Category: People & Chat > Alternative

Forum (6)
destiny12 53 minutes
In love [12]
Scarry love do you know i some how like you?
scarrylove 1 day 20 hours
Joke [53]
I was chatting with one guy the next thing i hear na i..i...iiii..i...l..l.l.ov.v...e ..u since when phone start to stammer
scarrylove 2 days
Young love [26]
Never fall in love while at 12-13 age because you wont be able to handle emotional and romantic trauma you might end up distroying your life
scarrylove 2 days
Stubborn guys (4)
To love is free but any guy that says its by force just sing»(guitar2) relationship no be by force oo if it no favour you pack am go if i no value you
scarrylove 2 days
Dont (1)
Dont fall in love with someone you cannot trust,be wise

Polls (2)