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sammy15 Thanks taika
taika anyone.gif HI all welcome jesus in your lives plz
fizzywap Please register on my site
enzo Hw ar u guyz?
cyber...maduwa (mod_badge)
igisl hi
abdulgafar How kezzy
kezzyblink I can help
abdulgafar Please some of people are going to die oo. am not lying am serious
abdulgafar Everything and everywhere are hungry and everywhere something are cost it well
abdulgafar Nah!!! all because of president
abdulgafar Their are going to planning now.
abdulgafar Their boys and girls are going to steal something big for everywhere that's are planning it.
abdulgafar All our country is very ruined much
abdulgafar Hello all
abdulgafar Hello all brb.... to talk about story
abdulgafar Good morning all....
abdulgafar Carbarator is use to sw*llow fuel that do make get energy
rubbykesh Ok,bro which one is called carbrator,
diceflow Bro
abdulgafar Hello people am sorry this guy is disturbing me there so am going to next chat room right now.
abdulgafar So, am sorry brb now.
abdulgafar What is it use for?
abdulgafar 12 socket and plug spanner
abdulgafar So: points1 we have 10flat and screwdriver and spanner
abdulgafar What fake words ..... do u know what am talking about...
biola758 Gafar u wit ur fake words
abdulgafar Thirdly: Do u know what is capacitor
abdulgafar Secondly: what is spark plug? plug is use to start engine well
abdulgafar This from generator part oo

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