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Topic: The incarnate christ.
Bible text: john 1:1-14
Memory verse. And the word was made flesh,and dwelt among us,(and we beheld his glory,the glory as of the only begotten of the father,) full of grace and truth(john 1:14).

The words of colin m. Morris sum up the essence of christ's incarnation more than those of others. He wrote, Action is always superior to speech in the gospels, which is why the word became flesh and not newspint. The incarnate christ means God dwelling among men in human form. The son of God became the son of man so that sons of men could become sons of God. That as the miracle of God's redemption plan. WHat does christ's death on the cross mean? He was the just one bearing the guilt and punishment of the unjust. Christ's death provides for the unjust to become the pardone,and the guilty ones to become the GODLY...
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