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* Emilyabulm > Forum
A shepherd boy in a village used to take his herd of sheep across the fields near the forest.He felt this job was very dull and wanted to have some fun.One day while grazing the sheep,he shouted,wolf! wolf! the wolf is carrying away a lamb! farmers working in the near by fields came running to help but didn't find away was just fun.there is no wolf hear.The boy played a similar trick repeatedly for many days. After some days while the shepherd boy was in the field with the herd of sheep,suddenly a wolf came out from the neare by forest and attacked one of the lamb.The boy was frightened and cried loudly,wolf! wolf! the wolf is carriying a lamb away!. The farmers thought the boy was playing his mischief again.So,no one paid attention to him and didn't come to his help.
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