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(chapter 2)
Over the most several days, as Kipps sants through Mrs. Drablow's papers at Eel Marsh House, he enduces an increasingly terrifying sequence of unexplained noises,
chilling events appearances by the woman in black.
In one of these instances, he hearer the sound of a carriage in distress, followed by screams of a young child and her maid coming from the direction of the marshes
Most of the people in Crythin Gifford are reluctant to reveal information about Mrs. Drablow and the mysterious woman in black
Any attempts Kipps makes to learn more cause pained and fearful reactions from various sources
he learns that Mrs. Drablow's sister, Jennet Humfrye, gave birth to a child Nathaniel.
Because she was unmarried, she was forced to give the child to her sister. Mrs. Drablow and her husband adopted the boy and insisted that should never know that Jennet was his mother
Jennet went away for year.when realising she couldnot be parted for long from her son.

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