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For your unanswerd questions

This channel helps you to know why somethings happen in your life e,g why wont my mum let me go out with friends.........

Channel Founder: josmart
Channel Type: Public Subscribe
Subscribers: 8
Category: People & Chat > Alternative

Forum (4)
josmart March 2022
my poem (1)
Would it be ok if I took some of your time? Would it be ok if I wrote you a rhyme? Would it be ok if I opened my heart? Would it be
josmart February 2022
earnyourself some cash (0)
Hey guys wanna make extra cash then join me all ya have to do is click on the link registration is free https://[b
josmart October 2020
Relationships (0)
Ask me any question i have answers (search2)
josmart October 2020
Teenagers life (2)
AM a boy of 17 my mum resents seeing me with a girl. why is it so? come onboard lets talk.

Polls (1)
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