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Star Freefireboys
For free fire players and other online gamers

Free fire players gather here,both blood strike,pubg and c.o.d players too.

Channel Founder: soueikijin
Channel Type: Public Subscribe
Subscribers: 45
Category: Games > Android

Forum (16)
dollars 1 day 10 hours
Hey guys i need diamonds.
soueikijin 1 day 18 hours
Rule the world (1)
What online shooting game rule the world?...... free fire rule the world (funnydance).....(lol2)
soueikijin 1 day 18 hours
Favorite pokemon (7)
Who's your favorite pokemon on pokemon unite online game mine is Pikachu, Charizard and Lucario what's yours?
soueikijin 1 day 21 hours
Free fire or bloodstrike (1)
Hey guys,I ask twi Al in the chatroom a question whether free fire or bloodstrike she said this Free Fire is just for those who want to feel like a Ca
karma 2 days
PuBG meaning (0)
PUBG (PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds)

Free fire for java phones
Mini minita for java phones


Polls (7)