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Star AyomiMSC
God is the judgement people.

Channel Founder: sheriffayomi
Channel Type: Public Subscribe
Subscribers: 9
Category: Music > Artists

Forum (6)
sheriffayomi 8 minutes
Give away [19]
Who is the fastest finger here, MTNcard give away is here. Let go. 5254112100534534
sheriffayomi 13 minutes
Serious case (1)
I sat down like this imagen someone come an slap me and he said. He sorry. what can i do?
sheriffayomi 1 day 3 hours
Sorry (1)
What is the meaning of sorry after Sin'. Good morning everyone.
sheriffayomi 21 days
Enough C,B (0)
Eh eh na wa ooh. He came my shop, prise all my goods,saw something in my solder. He said waiting be this Chale,he turch it and suddenly off my thin
sheriffayomi 29 days
Strong Battle.. (0)
Remember one day is the day,that you will never forget. But everytimes you are doing something that you're forgeting instantly. which is your sin




Polls (2)