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Na small shet day spoil nash

Channel Founder: kossicolette
Channel Type: Public Subscribe
Subscribers: 6
Category: Fun, Entertaintment & Media > General

Forum (5)
kossicolette 7 days
Who u go follow (8)
Ur mama and ur papa day always quarrel for house, e con reach when they con devorce each other, so ur mama con day date oyibo man, and ur papa con day
gideonsammyx9 8 days
Answer (1)
(Heyyou) if you Think You are good AT English answer this question if chicken is meat (bbq) and Cow is beef what's Fish yes na what is (fish)
kossicolette 10 days
Hahahaha..... (1)
Dance or buy valentine gift for ur love --(mybad) (bam) (kissmyass) (lovers)
kossicolette 10 days
What will happen on valentine's day (1)
Guyz what is common on febuary 14(1) break up suprise.(2) engagement suprise.(3) new boy friend/girl friend.(hopeless)(4) people go carry belle.(5) pe
kossicolette 11 days
Good english studen tanswer this qestion (3)
Give the spelling of a word that start with i and end with s.

Polls (1)