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Star RuabRiddles
An amazing and enthusiastic Riddles Channel on JetBits

Channel Founder: gary1
Channel Type: Public Subscribe
Subscribers: 39
Category: Fun, Entertaintment & Media > Quiz

Forum (25)
tariye 7 hours 30 minutes
RuabRiddles 23 (3)
I am a glass, you always see your reflection in me, what am I?
tariye 9 days
The RuabRiddles Club (0)
Visit and join The RuabRiddles Club, and enjoy more amazing riddles there
tariye 11 days
RuabRiddles 22 (2)
I am something, you write on me, I have a cover, I come from trees, you always see me in libraries, what am I?
gary1 24 days
RuabRiddles 16 [9]
I get hungry sooner and need to be fed. The finger i lick will soon turn Red. What am i? If u know, write the answer
gary1 25 days
RuabRiddles 24 (0)
I have buttons, not from a shirt. With me communication can hurt. What am i? If u know, write the answer

Quiz Machine
Common Knowledge Quiz
Gameloft Brain Challenge 4
Gameloft Brain Challenge 3